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DeAnna Cigainero

Superstar Consultant


My Story

Hello, my name is DeAnna Cigainero and I have been married to my Wonderful Husband Jeff for 31 years. We have two children, our daughter Kayla who is a RN and our son Justin who is in the United States Air Force. Between these two children and their spouses we have six beautiful grandchildren. So this is how my Scentsy story started: when my husband and I married we had lots of loving friends and family who gave us wedding showers and lots of beautiful gifts. As we set up our home, my husband who was a Volunteer Fire Fighter at the time, told me I would never be able to light or burn these candles. So after 25 years of marriage I still had beautiful candles with Bright White Wicks. It was during this 25th year of marriage that a friend gave me a Scentsy warmer and a bar of wax. I took it home and showed my husband who told me I could FINALLY burn something in my house that smelt good. He said that Scentsy warmers, from a Firefighters Point Of View, were safe, flame less and did not have the chemical side effects like soot and smoke as conventional candles. And so our story and journey began with Scentsy. Myself and my husband fell in love with our warmer and wax and we were hooked. I had a girl who came in to where I worked all of the time and left Scentsy catalogs when she brought her mom as a patient, so one day I started asking her question and signed up to start my Scentsy Family Journey, and what a journey it has been. I have meet some lifetime friends, been to some awesome places and most importantly made and aquired new "Family" thou not by blood, all of my Scentsy Brothers and Sisters are now part of my Family. If you would like to learn more about my journey just email or call or text me and I would be glad to share this awesome product with you and also the opportunity to Join My Amazing Team.

Ok another Awesome Product for this month. This is the Scentsy Warmer of the month and Scent of the month. Get it while it is on sale this month. Message me for all of your orders

What's warming in my home